My Kindle Review

by cristina on June 19, 2013

My love for Kindle and how it blossomed for me:

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis were the first books I ever downloaded to my Kindle.  I believe they instilled a sort of magic to the little device.  This was the kindle before Fire and before touchscreen.

I devoured each of these books as fast as I  could, they were that good.  I could not put them down.  I spent hours and hours reading through Lewis’s glorious words and the children’s trials and adventures.  The books rendered me a child again.  I have read the set, three, maybe even four times and sometimes go back to one or another if I feel the need to escape to Narnia.  Maybe it’s his ‘style of writing’ that so puts you there.

I won’t review each title individually here but I will say that if you read the first and like it you will want to read the remaining books.

Some of you may think reading these would be childish but in all reality I would rather live with that ‘childlike’ vibration the remainder of my life rather than a lowly vibration some horror story may bring me.

All the best healers and wise men and women will tell you that the secret in life is to remain childlike, to remain in awe.

The Chronicles of Narnia will help you do just that and you can get the boxed set for your Kindle which is a total of seven books plus a bonus book.  Click here to get them all for under $50!

I once thought of advertising my Kindle and some of the books I read but my life veered in another direction.   As Thoreau once said ‘go back to the old’ whether it be clothes or friends or ideas.  I’m doing this a lot lately especially going back to those mentors who awakened me like Guy Finley and Lester Levenson did.

I’ll never forget riding the mowing tractor at the river house listening to Guy’s cassette tape  as he spoke of ‘rocking the boat’ and going and doing that which you are afraid of doing or think you can’t.

Now, it seems I can’t help but share my love of reading and so I devote this page to the Kindle.  I like to think of books as a ‘support system’ and that includes the paperbacks as I will continue reading them ‘in paper’ especially since some of my favorite authors don’t have all their books on Kindle (yet).

And, of course, the notion of reading a book on the beach or by the fire, indulging in a fantasy or mystery or romance, is quite a romantic and sentimental experience for me whether it reads on paper or on a digital device like the Kindle.

My Kindle opened up other possibilities and the one I would most like to share with you is the one of my cat.  She is now twenty years old!  She is a wise female feline and understands exactly what we tell her.  I have witnesses.  You suggest something one minute and she is doing it the next or even the next day.  I wonder sometimes why and who she really came into this realm to be.

Anyways, we have laid around and read together for several years now.  She starts by climbing up on my chest and laying there for awhile.  She likes being ‘in my face’ so I can rub her ears and scratch her head.

And guess what?  I can do this with one hand for as long as she’d like while my other hand holds my kindle enabling me to read my book.  It is so light that I can hold it for quite a long time ( I can’t do this with the Fire).  If my hand gets tired I switch hands and my cat still gets all the loving she requires with the other hand.

Many of you may think this is silly but we have passed many joyous relaxing hours this way.  And by the way I also read what I like to think of as not educational really but self-growth books and oh the historical romances set in the Highlands of Scotland.  So while I am relaxing with my cat I learn how to heal with energy and I read Paracelsus and the philosophy side of alchemy as well.

On the other hand when she does decide it’s time to ‘move’ as cats do in their own time, she then lays next to me so I’ll sometimes break out my Fire and prop it up on my chest or on the pillow next to me and catch up on email, watch a movie or do the research I love.

It’s absolutely incredible the freedom these devices allow us these days.

If I’m not resonating with one book or perhaps I’m guided to another book I don’t have to get up – I switch to the other one – again all with one hand.

And when I take a vacation all the books are, there, in one place.  What if you bought a book or two for vacation and you hated them both?  I still enjoy reading a paperback on the plane but that is just the romantic in me.

Another reason I love my Kindle E-Reader is that I can take it outdoors and when the bugs and heat aren’t so fierce here in Florida I love nothing more than sitting under one of my live oak trees, namely Besca, to read.  Glare is not an issue with the Kindle.

There is something to be said about reading a book on energy healing in the outdoors – besides reading about quantum energy, what better place to read a fantasy or time travel book, when it is too beautiful to sit indoors, then under the large canopy of an oak tree with the birds singing above you and there you are spread out on your blanket marveling in your presence with Kindle book in hand.

Am I trying to sell you a Kindle?  Possibly, but I’m more like trying to sell you the results you will see when you buy one and place your books on it.  The Kindle Paperweight is the one I’d probably get if I didn’t have one already or if I decide to upgrade.

If you feel like delving into new subjects you don’t have to go to the public library or even your own bookshelf – just switch to your book list and now you can just that easily learn about how best to organize your closets or how to engineer just about anything or read about who lives on Narnia.

Reading is so important for our growth – I know that if I were a parent of young children I would buy this Kindle over the Fire so my children would actually read books, even if it is by means of a digital device since this is what they are accustomed to anyway in this age.

There are now four models of the Kindle E-reader.  One Kindle even has parental controls.  Two of the models are now touchscreen.  Mine is the old-fashioned Kindle Paperweight but I adore the size, the weight, the resolution and the simplicity. I do wish it had a built-in light like the new ones.

When I turn it on, it is like stepping into my own broad virtual library where I get to pick and choose which book I want to read today or finish the story Ansley and I were reading last night.



I turn the last page and another chapter of my life has closed with the writing of my first book titled ‘Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence‘.


Looking back now I recognize the similarity of my experience with one trying to explain the theta brainwave state. It is typically compared to driving down the highway for miles at a time and then suddenly realizing you don’t remember driving those miles. Where were you during that time?

Writing this book has been that experience for me. I don’t remember a lot of the time spent writing it, as if I were on autopilot.

I am relieved that this ride is over but yet ecstatic to be getting on the next one.

Let’s see, do I start with the Round-up and get all my ducks in a row, first, in hopes I can bypass the Bumper Cars this time around or do I head directly for the Gravitron and let it propel me straight onto the Cliffhanger?

Below is the description you will see on Amazon’s site about the book and it is a fair description. In my opinion, it sums the book quite eloquently:


This book was written to greatly expand our awareness – inspiring us to remember our source of origin.

It is a ‘colorful’ self help book about nature intelligence and new earth energies that are frequenting our planet, allowing us to heal.

Shattered Duality conveys the importance of playfulness and mindfulness which help break down our barriers (shatter our dual mindset) allowing us to dive straight into the heart of ourselves.

It goes beyond the concepts of observation and perception – it is about observing the observer and if that is you or another, it is the same.

This book is about the journey that continually spirals back to yourself, nudging you to remember where you came from.

A description of each chapter follows.

Shattered:     My recognition of the light before duality sets in and the shattering begins.

Beliefs:           We honor beliefs we deny possessing and the realization will hopefully come sooner and not later.  Rather than working with us we come to discover our beliefs have been working against us. It is frightening and shocking of the profound impact they have.  But we are far from powerless…

Fear:                Our world, our lives are entrenched in fear.  Fear of what?  Just about everything.  We must choose not to let the agenda of a minute percentage of the world population scare us with control tactics.  When is the last time you made a decision, let alone, thought for yourself without the influence of another person?

Duality:          This is probably one of the hardest concepts to wrap your head around.  We view the world so separate – how could we be made up of the same energy, say, as the trees in our forests?  How is it possible that we are mere reflections of each other?  When did we start living from a dual mindset?

Heart:             Everyone knows that the heart is not just an organ pumping blood through our circulatory system and that its abstract definition rests in being the seat of our emotions.  But what about the seat of our intellect – is our intellect rooted in the mind or in the heart and why would that matter?

Energy:           ‘New earth energies’ seem to be magically appearing on this planet.  I wonder, though, if that is only because of our expanding awareness and that truly, they’ve been here all along.  We are finally beginning to remember where we came from and maybe this is why we can ‘see’ and take receipt of them now.  As for ‘healing energies’ – I have always believed them to be inherent.

Intelligence:  When I speak of intelligence I speak of nature intelligence.  Whether it be plants or animals or any other creature not yet identified they are of intelligence and act like it – they do not pretend to be or do otherwise.

Help:               Oh, the numerous times I have showered myself with pity rather than ask the multitude of helping hands, willing to cascade down around me to lift me back up on my feet.  Too stubborn to call on help, I left it up to my mind and my ego and that is hilariously the worst decision one can make.  When awareness sets in, help comes in all matter and manner and then one day we expand to take up so large a space that we, too, become the ‘help’.

Forgiveness:  Forgiving others is great – yes – do that – but then remember to forgive yourself as well – not so easy, is it?

Love:               Love is timeless.  But can also be shattered in the blink of an eye.  How is that love?  We love and hate all the same.  True love, unconditional love, can never nor would it ever, break your heart.

Home:             This chapter depicts why no matter how many times we may try to run from ourselves or relocate our homes in order to ‘start over’ we will always end up back where we started.  You cannot escape who you are and you sure can’t escape the space you currently occupy, short of death, and even then…  The body houses the spirit and the mind and the heart – we are not separate of all that is.


“I may have forgot to mention the tremendous inspiration Henry Thoreau instilled in me in not just the writing of this book but throughout my entire lifetime – we certainly do have a connection.”


SHATTERED DUALITY  -I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence


Graduated Manifestation with Quantum Entrainment

by cristina on September 3, 2012

I have recently discovered that all the teachings that have remained with me to this time have culminated to their highest point.

It is not enlightenment that I have reached but it is something beyond that.

It is something I have been in search of for a long time but recently found that it was never anywhere else but right here, already with me.

Dr. Frank Kinslow said it best.  “If you have “nothing”, you have nothing to lose.”  I had heard that saying years and years ago and always thought of it in terms of poverty.

In reality, it is the just the opposite of poverty.

Having ‘Nothing”, in terms of pure awareness, is having everything and having everything is beyond abundance.

What more could we want?

Learn more about pure awareness with Dr. Frank Kinslow.  Visit his site at Quantum Entrainment.

The book I started with and I still think is one of his best books is titled The Secret of Instant Healing.

In that book he talks about ‘eufeelings’.  Eufeeling’s are euphoric feelings like calm, joy, unboundedness and bliss.

Discover how to ‘maximize’ your eufeelings in order to benefit yourself and others with his book titled:

Eufeeling:  The Art of Creating Inner Peace and Outer Prosperity




Deliberate Manifestation

by cristina on June 23, 2012

We have manifested our entire life and we will continue to do so.  I’ve read that we can change that ‘life picture’ at any time by realizing that it is just one picture that we’ve created from an unlimited number of pictures or probabilities.

But how do we manifest consciously those things we desire?  Get specific about what you want and think (picture) that desire rather than those things you do not want to have in your life any longer.

Just remember when you have limiting beliefs you might as well throw all of your manifesting goals or ideals out the window.  Why?  Our beliefs keep us resistant to that which we want.  (Believe it or not).  Especially our deep, rooted core beliefs.  Those beliefs that were programmed at an early age.

I don’t care if you read every book about the law of attraction and dream of it every single night.  It won’t matter.  If you are stuck on a belief your mind will filter out those thoughts, those desires in accordance to your beliefs.  Sadly, we all have many beliefs buried in us especially related to health, wealth and abundance.  And this is typically the main areas we all desire some form of change.

There are simple manifesting methods and tips that have worked for me.  You must be very clear and specific (remember you will get what you ask for).

  • Get a scrapbook.  Cut pictures out of magazines or take your own pictures of those things that you would like to have (homes, cars, etc.)  They can also be a representation (a symbol) of that goal (like a slim person or a person relaxing).  Include below each picture a further description of what it is you want specifically.

(I like this method because it is something tangible.  You can hold in your hand and it might feel more real to some people versus looking at something on a computer)

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Look at these several times a day.  Picture yourself living that lifestyle in those clothes, car or home, etc. if that is your goal.  It is always best to recite your goals out loud.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  While you are viewing pictures and reciting desires FEEL what it would be like to have that which you want.  FEEL as if you already do have it.


  •  If you prefer, create a folder on your computer with pictures and goals (captions under the pictures).  You can also just write down your goals and desires on a piece of paper and read them out loud as you flip through the pictures you have saved on your computer.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Look at these several times a day.  Picture yourself living that lifestyle in those clothes, car or home, etc. if that is your goal.  It is always best to recite your goals out loud.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  While you are viewing pictures and reciting desires FEEL what it would be like to have that which you want.  FEEL as if you already do have it.




Some of my favorite ‘smaller’ things to manifest are starfish on the beach and coins on the sidewalks.  I describe below other ‘larger’ things I have manifested, some unknowingly.

I once wanted to move back to Florida and wrote on a small index card that I wanted to earn a certain amount of money a year, live in a country setting and be close to the beach.  I read this goal throughout the day.  That same year I was in Florida earning a larger salary than what I wanted and living in a small town in the country.  I was an hour and a half away from the beach which was further than I wanted but HAD I BEEN MORE SPECIFIC, I probably would have found myself a lot closer.

Another time I manifested what I call a miniature representation of a larger goal of mine which I am still working on.  I didn’t even realize I had manifested this until after the fact.  It was quite surprising and even somewhat scary when I had realized it.

This particular time I was living a lot closer to the beach but had to move from my home.  Well, I had a long-term goal of wanting a home with lots of land with a large meadow and woods and a lake (not necessarily in this state).  This time I had pictures and goals written out.

When I had to move, I ended up on two acres (a lot smaller amount of land) that had a pond.  I went to view the house a second time but it was only after I had paid the deposit that I realized that I had manifested (in a preview kind of way) the larger picture of what I really wanted.  But that was ok since now the rest is falling into place.

The flowered meadow I spoke of earlier was real important to me so I could ‘dance in the meadow’ being the nature writer that I am.  Well, that too manifested into a miniature replica.  It was at the house I had to move from that I mentioned earlier.  It was precious.  In a small area of the yard there were daisy-like Spanish needles, purple-plumed sow thistles, miniature daisy fleabane and red-orange fireweed.  The flowers grew as if by magic!


I have one more that is worth mentioning because it’s something else I have desired and here I had already kind of manifested it  but had not realized it.

I call it my journal book, but it is actually writings of nature and philosophy similar to like what Thoreau and Emerson might have wrote.

One day I realized that if I took all of my writings and pieced them together like a puzzle that I would have a grand inspirational book indeed.

I have not completed this book yet but everything will happen in its own time.  This is something else that I have realized while deliberately manifesting.   Quite possibly this is due to my limiting beliefs about myself.

In the meantime I will sift through my writings with gentle hands so as not to disturb the timeless meaning of the messages.  I will smooth out the rough edges of those writings I criticize.  I will be an artist of words as like their drawings flow.  Then I will sprinkle all of the pages with the sweetness of the scent of gardenias for purification and truth.

We are always manifesting, so stop and watch what you think – we are creators.




Orange Summer Solstice

by cristina on June 20, 2012

In the spring, I was the orange fairy.  I brushed my fingers along a few of the lavender-colored blossoms and watched them glide down into my palm.  I cupped and held onto the orange-scented petals like a treasure. The honeybee buzzed in my ear and I sped around.  The cool air nipped my nose and I went in the direction of the sunbeam that parted the branches behind me.  I smiled a child’s smile.    The sun warmed my face as I turned my head up to greet it.

All of the magic under this majestic canopy of oak was now visible.  The effect was dazzling.  Ball moss spun on the lower branches.  Cardinal air plants clung to the massive trunks.  The emerald palm grass silently shimmered around me while the ancient split-leaf philodendrons nodded back and forth.  The lavender azaleas were draped with silver green moss.

The royal cardinal spike of the olive shaded bromeliad was crowned with translucent twirled buds painted purple.   The bromeliad stalks were everywhere and were flowing with pockets of white cottony triangular flowers.  Another had a red spike with black patterned dots and reminded me of a pineapple.   Out front, the bromeliads were smiling with their lavender blooms all cuddled up in delicate pink blankets.

I lingered awhile swaying back and forth and stepping in and out of the sunbeam.  It tickled me inside. I opened my palm and the orange petals released their fragrance.

In that precise moment I became the orange fairy.

I returned to the circle where tea was served.  My hostess prepared a concoction of spring water infused with orange blossoms served in a miniature china teacup.

I daintily picked it up using only two fingers, because you see, it was a very tiny cup.  There were flowers painted on the sides and the handle and rim were gold.  Orange blossoms floated on top of the water.   I brought it up to my nose and tipped it.  I inhaled steadfast and deep.

I drank of the thick sweet fragrance.   That cup of tea transformed me and defined my soul and sole purpose:  to bloom as a flower.   I set the little cup down and graciously thanked my hostess.

Before returning to the ‘summer’ home I absorbed the last energies of what the spring mother had left me with:

In the Carolina laurel berry trees the stamens burst forth like cream spraying out of a fountain of beauty.  I wanted to sing a morning lullaby to the new oak leaves as they unrolled themselves out of their branch ‘cradles’.

In several weeks the flowers would be replaced with miniature oranges cradled in scalloped sepals.  They would smell just like green tangerines should.

The warm ripe juice they conceal feels as if the sun is trickling its blood down your throat awakening all your senses.


And then spring divinely blurs into summer.


Why orange?  The great orange sun rising in the summer mornings reminds me of ancient summer stones.

And in this morning solstice , a cooler breeze brushes softly against my skin with just a touch of moisture.

My feet are bare and I am grounded to the earth and her mineral kingdom beneath.

The energy keeps a hold of me here.

The sunlight filters through the massive canopy creating a show of glistening light.  It dances with the bird’s music and is carried on the wispy breezes.

The ants and other creatures bide for my attention as they crawl over my feet and occasionally drop from the branches above.

I believe the last dewdrop has just been squeezed out of the dawn and has fallen on my arm.  It was the last dispersed.  If given another minute, it would have, for I barely felt its silken touch at all.

Have I slipped away into another realm?  I feel so much peace coursing through me.  I relish my existence.

I think of summers gone by when I was very young and of my parents sitting outside on the old slab foundation of a shed or outhouse, which, I’m not sure.  There were flowers and vegetables planted there. It was most Saturdays during the summer.  The smell of cut grass lingered into the long days. They sipped beer and laughed.  We played around them, secretly delighted that they were there, with us, outside.

My attention is brought back to the leaf debris fluttering wildly on a single thread of a cobweb.

Summer has arrived.  Unscathed and not so green as you might think.  My new growth is merely just a branching out of the wise old lady.  An improved mold made from the same flesh and water.

My summer growth will soon cover me like moss growing on a tree.  If you have worried about losing a part of you through growth don’t, you won’t.

Think of a foundation, a new and better and stronger one sitting in place of the old but molded and shaped lovingly to better suit the new you.

This is creation using nature’s ingredients of earth, water and fire to help you perpetuate new endeavors.  Get out there and drink.  Their energies are much stronger in the wild summers of our days.   Savor their colorful subtleties and powers of restoration.  Taste the flow of goodness as it pulses through you.

My dreamy thoughts this morning have evolved into knowing.  Their divine power is creation.  Having immersed with the harmonious energy flitting around me I find myself grounded in summer.

The light is dancing again and I am scintillating.



MANIFEST: The Sea of Heart

by cristina on June 17, 2012

While strolling along the coast, a treasure trove of thoughts came ashore.  I strike gold when the ‘spiritual being living in a body’ ideal finally hits home in me.

After a long voyage, its meaning sinks deep into my core.  I raise my anchor and find myself no longer ‘beside my self’.

I know not what the future brings.  The past fades and is filed.  There are no regrets.  I move out of the fog and I am less invisible.

When I devote my attention to her she glows and I light up from the inside out quelling the darkness.

As I cultivate my heart spirit, she soothes and

quiets my mind

much like a crystalline stream.

My heart spirit is the one true friend worth living and dying for.

My greater self loves me unconditionally and no man can say that with truth in his eye.

She is resilient but saddened by the battles we choose to engage her.

Sadly, she lets me go when I will it so.

She stands aside, honorable and upright, when I refuse to yield.  She serves with great care.  I toss about and fall overboard.  She reaches me just in time and by divine influence my attention is reverted to her inspiration.  (Like a fairy capturing my attention by way of the ghost orchids on the islands).




When we are obedient and manifest through her, there is unspeakable joy and light.  When we do not, we sink further down towards the aphotic zone.

The ego makes her out to be a pirate (a falsehood).

It draws attention away from itself by placing the blame elsewhere.  The masks are what the ego is renown for; though, not goodness.  The ego turns our attention and we dismiss our heart with a shoo of the hand.  Our confusion therein lies, resulting in the misdirection of our manifestation.

Why isn’t it the other way around?  Why doesn’t the heart talk bad of the ego?  The heart spirit is pure love.  She may harbor the venom spit at us by the ego, but she doesn’t falter when it stands in the forefront, dictating our lives.

The powerful ego is adrift but so readily trusted at times.

Why don’t we stow the ego when it bobs its head up at us?

Why can standing by the heart be felt as more dangerous than the rip tide?  When did we give-way to the ego?

When did we fall short and succumb to its maniacal approach?

The battleships part and the victor reigns supreme upon our waters.  The joy felt by those who live within their heart realm is infinite. Those drowned in fear drift back to their sheltered cove the ego delights in.  Their value of happiness and joy is null and void.

How do we manifest from the sea of our heart?  How do we touch the luminosity of our ‘lighthouse’?

We close our eyes and feel the current vibrating through us.  Listen and acknowledge her almighty power deep beneath our surface.  Accept, receive and allow the magnificent ancient tones to manifest their glory.

Our heart spirit, our greater self, is not separate of us.  It is us.  Batten down your hatches and tack through the eye of the wind.


Weighing In……..

by cristina on May 29, 2012

Is it coincidence that we tend to weigh more in the latter part of the day than in the morning?  Some nights I tend to feel ‘heavy’ as in dense and burdened like a tree full of fruit.  I weigh myself and see I’ve gained 3 or 4 pounds.  That’s a lot of overripe fruit. How could I have gained that much in the last ten hours or so?  Sure, I eat through the day, sometimes more than I’d like but not 4 pounds worth.  Could it be that all of the ‘weighted’ emotional events that occurred throughout the day have weighed me down?  “I give” sometimes from all the exerted pressures and that allows the heavy, low vibrations to emanate, making my body denser.

Typically we’re light on our feet after a good night’s rest.  We are fresh as the dew.  Our physical bodies haven’t been awake long enough to think about the past or future let alone what we are about to do in the next thirty minutes (still the future).  We wake in the ‘present’ and experience our ‘LIGHT’ energy which is always present and can be realized when we become conscious of it.

At the crack of our dawn our burdens haven’t yet materialized wholly enough to crowd our minds and fill our bodies with the toxic emotions which in turn weigh us down by nightfall.

If we were to keep an ‘AIR’ about us, imagine the goodness that would be felt in cleansing and rinsing.  Let the density of your emotions rise and fall from you in grace.  Then go and roll (like the grain and the wave) and be not affected by the events of your day.  Come out with sword in hand and swathe our energy around every low vibration until it has been dissipated.

This morning I woke about 7.  The moon was setting and dawn was ready to break.  The last shade of tinted light had not yet unveiled to reveal the morning light.  The atmosphere is surreal.  A warm moist breeze rustles a few leaves and the doves begin cooing and bobbing their heads.

As my body started coming more into the physical and I started ‘thinking’, peace left in a hurry.  Right about when I began to argue with my analytical self as to the best time to leave for the beach.  Do I leave now, thirty minutes from now or wait an hour?  The time I leave would affect my return, of course, but I, also, must consider the tide and the heat of the sun.  I then began pacing and scolding myself for wasting precious time and continuing to analyze everything.

When I came to my senses I threw down the weight of the argument and left.  I wanted to write about the effects of sludge in our systems and how they can make us physically ill and perhaps even weigh more.  Feeling quite light on my feet this morning reminded me of that.  Instead, I started a debate and the more the topic of when I should leave was discussed the more frustration I created.  After an hour I was already starting to feel a whole lot heavier.

Even during my beach excursion I couldn’t keep my thoughts still.  I walked hard and fierce and released all of the nervous tension I now had to expend which gave the illusion that I was still ‘light on my feet’.  Quoting Thoreau in Walking:  “I am not where my body is, -I am out of my senses.  What business have I in the woods (or beach), if I am thinking of something out of the woods?  I suspect myself, and cannot help a shudder, when I find myself so implicated even in what are called good works”.

One more way of weighing yourself down is by beating yourself up.  Self-sabotage is one of the extreme heavyweights.  It is an extension of the ego which wants to keep you safe and glued to the world you’ve become accustomed to.

The ego proclaims, “this is right and true and we must defend the old ways; don’t throw those bags out yet, they are full of useful information and past experiences that will guide you in the right direction”…. and so on.

How considerate of the ego (insert sarcasm here) to do this for us regardless of the higher risks involved when self-sabotage, fear and doubt are present.

Ego reiterates, “If we have to bring up more fear and doubt to keep you analyzing and thinking on whether to change things up or not, so be it – and then we’ll let you beat yourself up for conjuring those impossible dreams, there’s stability here in this old carved-out wagon trail”.

Talk about self-sabotage.  Stability can only be found on your own path.

Do not fear, for we are not lost to that energy.  Stop breathing life into it and feel with your heart.  “Breathe into the light”.  “The breath is the connector.”   (I have heard energy workers use these phrases).  They are good to remember at all times.

Regardless of the shame, the heart never fails and loves wholly and unconditionally, especially when we suffer and feel poor.  It knows if we follow, we will become light on our feet and our troubles will weigh no more than a feather.  Gift the heart.  Listen and follow the inspiration it presents to you.  Feel lighter for paving your own way through this earth.  Let your heart hold you spellbound.  Choose that magic instead.

Returning from the beach, the energy still flowed coarsely through me and so I did the obvious.  I plunged into the garden to ‘ground’ myself.

There was a bumblebee, the first one I’d seen since I’d been in my father’s garden in August.  He was thoroughly enjoying the flowers and he appeared plump, like a brute, compared to the skinny wasps and the physically fit honeybees flitting about.

As he pollinated, not a single stem quivered.  Now that is light.  His body curled under him when he drank.  He hovered and dipped without causing any waves.  He knew his path and he was on it, light as a feather.  He left no tracks behind because he carried no baggage.

We walk around and as sure and as fast as sometimes our problems get solved there are new ones culminating in our great minds.  Other times we just resist and suppress and save our aggravations for a rainy day.  And sometimes we let them go in desperation hoping they won’t come back to haunt us.

Have we become addicted to ‘having problems and issues’ in our lives?  Can we just not be still and observe happenings and events as experiences, whether good or bad, and not give them any meaning?  The streets and our homes are littered with negatively-charged trash.  We have to step over it and go around it daily.  It is amazing that we are ever able to make a path for ourselves at all.

I can close my eyes and see the streets scattered with this negative energy.  There are multitudes of layers and places where it is so deep you can drown in it.

The key is the light, the other side of the coin, the positive end.  The more light you discharge in the form of thought and action, even thought alone, is so powerful and can cut like glass through an alley full of muck and tears.

I walk through my small meadow and my thoughts stir up thousands of whiteflies, leafhoppers and sharpshooters. The effect is the airy layer above the ground vibrating in harmony.  They don’t run into each other and they know exactly where they are going and for what purpose.  They know of one path and are delighted to follow it.

We, too, can circulate and vibrate as light as air above our earth as if we were a bee or a butterfly.  Know where you are going and let your intuition and inspiration get you there.

Many times after meditating or receiving a blessing of grace I feel so very, very tall especially if I was outdoors.  I would feel 5 inches taller than normal!  Sometimes I’d even find myself looking down to see if I had changed my shoes. It’s an extraordinary point of power to feel not only lighter but taller within that light.

Shed a few pounds of remorse and fear and weigh in and see if you don’t feel any lighter.