by cristina on November 21, 2015

Do you really know what you want?

Rifling through some old writings I found this one on ‘attainment’ written in 2008. What I find almost comical is how some things never go out of style. So I return back seven years ago and polish these old words up a bit and let the light gleam through.

When we return back to old friends, clothes, books, etc. and view them in a different dimension they are branded new again as if we’ve plugged them into the cosmos and restored their life energy.

We all know, as it is practically a washed up subject, that just by saying we want something means we lack it so the best manifestation principle to follow is to believe we already have it whether we are experiencing it or not at the moment. Have it and give thanks that you’ve received it or simply give thanks knowing it is on the way to you. I believe that was worth saying one more time but I will never use the ‘m’ word again. Keep in mind to not give away all of your power, meaning do not force the issue.

So what do we want? When asking for something the universe doesn’t recognize the difference between a ranch house or a beach house, an exotic vacation from a camping trip in the middle of the forest. It is challenging to be so specific but important, I cannot stress that enough.

We turn the pictures and images over in our minds and some feel right and some we discard until we get the perfect right life story we wish to create. Fantastic, now you know what you want but now you have limited yourself to just this one version. What if it could have been 10 times greater?

Most of us really don’t know what we want besides the nice car, home and lots of money in the bank. Why, because we never thought about it due to our belief system: that it is out of reach and not realistic but whose reality are we speaking of?

With this kind of belief system passed down the generations it is no wonder many of us die without hardly ever having really lived for ourselves rather we have lived for someone else or lived half-heartedly, half in fear.

In reading some more ‘happy book’ it talks about sponsoring thought which relates to our belief system for example the belief that you are hungry is a sponsoring thought and the thought that you should probably eat something is the sponsored thought(sponsored by your belief).

Now think about wealth or health: your sponsoring belief especially if told/taught/shown by example by your elders that you were never meant to be wealthy, that it’s only for certain others, that’s your sponsoring thought and so the sponsored thought says I am not wealthy (this thought was sponsored by your belief or sponsoring thought). This makes sense and it’s obvious that we must look at our belief system(s)to see what it is we believe and if those beliefs are hurting us without us even knowing it.

We are so used to living the life we do and we constantly speak of the things we want or we will do when the time is right or when we have the money, but this is not the way to go about it. We must continually be in communication with our hearts and what this part of us longs for. If you don’t know how to do that then you must ask your spirit for direction.

For you see, the problem lies not with not having the means or the time or the knowledge, the problem usually lies with not really knowing who we are, not remembering why and not attaining what our heart compels us to do. Wanting anything less will never make us happy.

Visualizing our life as our heart requests, smiling and believing whole-heartedly it will BY LAW bring it forth. And do not be forever changing your mind but keep your mind out of the equation.

We must understand that the wrong set of beliefs could very well be undermining our potential (and the right set could also be limiting). That this belief system very well conflicts with what your heart knows to be true or desires and so can cause a lot of discomfort and suffering. Why else would we continue seeking out happiness?

If I think back now everything I ever needed as a child I had, maybe not everything I wanted though. Our family’s beliefs taught me that I would always pretty much probably have what I would need but I’d probably never be wealthy according to the definition that I had learned and so I carried that belief system everywhere and I learned some skills and I made enough to fulfill that belief.

Then I started realizing that those that have what they need plus some are no better than me, they just have a different belief system, a different mindset.  They are in tune to a different energy frequency is all.

I have grown tremendously since this article was originally written and now I almost ashamed of myself for taking a lot of that growth for granted. Imagine.

And my pitiful ego says how funny that finally now that you are aware of your heart’s desire you are not in the position to attain it.

How absurd. I have always been in a position to attain anything especially in this moment as well as in the future.

Don’t ever believe you are not in the right time or place or position. We’ve never been more energetically aligned to the frequency of attainment than right now. Say it is so and it is.

Return back to those thoughts that calm, nourish and warm your heart.

It’s like Thoreau so eloquently put it:

“However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man’s abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.

Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old; return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation.

Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights. The shadows of poverty and meanness gather around us, “and lo! creation widens to our view.

Moreover, if you are restricted in your range by poverty, if you cannot buy books and newspapers, for instance, you are but confined to the most significant and vital experiences; you are compelled to deal with the material which yields the most sugar and the most starch. It is life near the bone where it is sweetest. You are defended from being a trifler. No man loses ever on a lower level by magnanimity on a higher. Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul.”

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