Abundance Course – Release Technique

by cristina on September 29, 2014

About eight years ago I took the Abundance Course  on releasing.  What is releasing?  Find out here:  The Release Technique.

At that time it was made up of cassette tapes and a hard copy workbook.  I released on everything, felt like a million bucks and didn’t feel weighed down or overburdened anymore.  I loved, loved Lester Levenson’s speeches and recordings and listened to them over and over.  I especially loved when he was to be the surprise guest at some conference and he didn’t know that he was the surprise!  Then he said he wasn’t sure what he could talk about – ‘you, me, but then what was the difference?’  What a wise and beautiful man he was!

I quit releasing as time went by and about a year ago i decided to de-clutter my library and I sent the cassette tapes off to the thrift store in hopes that someone else could use them.

Of course, shortly after that I stumbled upon the abundance course again and was angry for giving it away.  I actually called some of the stores in the area to see if they still had it on their shelves but I knew it was a lost cause.

It was worth that much to me that I decided to purchase the course again especially since right after the first time of listening to the samples on the website I found relief from all the turmoil I was experiencing in my life.  I felt lighter and happy again.  And in the last eight years since I had last went through the course I had accumulated a lot of ‘junk’.

What I did first before deciding to buy was listen to all the samples. I even received a CD sample in the mail.  I listened to that sample several times in one day and I felt so so good that it carried over into the next morning and I found myself singing while getting ready for work.

And listening to Lester Levenson again has brought me joy and a feeling of comfort and security – everything he says just makes sense to me. There are many videos with his recordings online including the speech he gave I mentioned above.

Even another man I admire tremendously has said to go back to the old when things don’t seem to be working whether it be old friends or old clothes – don’t go out and purchase new ones.  I often find myself going back to the old – to those things that offered me comfort – to those things that helped me get back on the path I needed to be on and one of those old things was the Abundance Course.  So I took Thoreau’s advice and went back to that old course again.

I love their three concepts of how everything we want (or lack) in life can be related to either wanting to be in control, wanting approval or wanting to be safe and secure and sometimes it’s a matter of wanting all three, for me anyway.

Take a second and think about what I just said about how everything we want is either related to wanting approval, control or wanting to be safe.  It’s so true.

The course is all about releasing – about seeing every one of your emotions as pure and simple energy – not good or bad but just energy, particularly the ones that cause you the most pain.  This technique brings them up and out of your feeling centers.

Sure, you can do this alone if you are disciplined enough to do it but if you are like me I found it very beneficial to have a guide walk me through the logistics – the proven methods that Lester taught Larry.  In this way my mind and especially my ego won’t get in the way and tell me that it’s silly to do the exercises.

How can holding on to negative emotions and even aversions to having good health and money be silly?  Believe me when I say your mind or rather your beliefs probably always have a tendency to crop in there when you are trying to do something different – they don’t want you to change – they like status quo for the sake of keeping you secure.

It’s easy for anyone to say ‘just change your thoughts from negative to positive’.  The problem with that is you never let go of the negative thoughts that are already stored in your body causing you harm – suppressing them further is not the solution.

So I’m back to releasing and with the Abundance Course that’s offered today there are weekly conference calls on how to better your practice.  There are counselors to help you improve your releasing skills and you can call them anytime during business hours.  I never had these options before when I first bought the course.

But, please, don’t think of it as a course where there’s homework and it’s hard – think of it as a course where the more time you spend releasing the less homework there is in your life and I’m speaking here of homework as in problems that you feel you have to carry around with you until you resolve them – you know – baggage.

This is as easy as showing up – yes, you have to show up but whether you realize it or not you have been showing up your entire life anyway whether in the good times or in the bad – you may not remember, but you were always there.

So show up and release and let go of some of that baggage.  Wouldn’t it be a welcome change to feel lighter and not weighed down by all those conflicts and emotions we tend to pile on daily and carry around with us?

Choose to see them all as just energy and just release them – this isn’t something difficult and you can learn to be in release all day once you learn how.

Lift your spirit a bit higher today and start experiencing miraculous abundance in your life – try a sample for free today.

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