Healing Frequencies Help with Personal Development

by cristina on February 25, 2018

Healing frequencies can help in all aspects of a personal development path – no matter which path is chosen.  It doesn’t take long to listen to a few songs every day especially if they bring more harmony and raise your tolerance in life.  Wholetones music lifts you up.

When self-help books were just not enough for me and when even listening to some of the best motivational speakers weren’t enough I turned to music and meditation but a different kind of meditation – one that is real easy to do, literally taking no effort at all except for the listening part.

I even wrote about this elation and then emptiness I sometimes felt after reading a self-help book.  A few excerpts:

Self-help books can be likened to a pill or a vitamin.

We ingest the words and hope by the end of the book we will have been cured or partially healed.

There is a flaw in not the books themselves but in the reading of self-help books and even though I am a fan – if we can’t resonate with the recorded material at the point in time that we are reading it – if we don’t feel like opening our minds at this juncture in our lives than that book is not going to reach us.

author’s note:  even if it has all the answers we seek we just may not be ready for them yet

Remember it is that resistance you harbor that made you want to begin reading a certain book in the first place – so be aware of that and finish the book.

One day we set the books aside realizing that basically they all say the same thing and they only make us feel good for a few days.  Granted, there are a lot of profound statements sprinkled throughout many books but when we begin to ask ourselves after turning the last page ‘now what?’, we come to understand there must be more.

My point here is you can read all of the wisdom in the written words of our ages or you can become wiser in an instant.

How?  Listen to some music – it’s that simple.

It is as Rumi so eloquently states – “Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment”.

This is where it gets interesting and this is what brought me to meditation and what I like to call sound healing.   What is sound healing?  It literally means listening to sounds, different – more advanced frequencies that somehow were ‘lost’ to us for some time.  Michael Tyrell uses the 6 solfeggio frequencies in his 7 Healing Songs  music recordings and Marcus Knudsen creates bliss-coded sounds that are based on the golden ratio.

But sound healing can also mean well-founded, reasonable and sensible and so when the books aren’t making the grade for you turn to some sound healing (pun intended).

  • Clear the debris in your mind so those self-help books can make a bigger impact
  • Find more balance in your life, better yet – more harmony and joy
  • Experience what it feels like to be happy for no apparent reason
  • De-stressing becomes a reality again
  • Looking and feeling younger is a possibility again

Sound healing can bring such fast results and don’t overlook brainwave entrainment recordings either – they can have you meditating as they say ‘like a monk’ in 2 weeks rather than the 20 years some people have claimed it took them to a reach a peaceful state of expanded awareness.  You can read about brainwave entrainment on my page.

Results from these healing frequencies and brainwave entrainment recordings can happen fast so get ready for some quick results in your personal development plan.  Don’t look backwards – leave the past where it belongs – back there.   And above all have fun and share this new ‘sound’ information with those you love.

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