My Kindle Review

by cristina on June 19, 2013

My love for Kindle and how it blossomed for me:

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis were the first books I ever downloaded to my Kindle.  I believe they instilled a sort of magic to the little device.  This was the kindle before Fire and before touchscreen.

I devoured each of these books as fast as I  could, they were that good.  I could not put them down.  I spent hours and hours reading through Lewis’s glorious words and the children’s trials and adventures.  The books rendered me a child again.  I have read the set, three, maybe even four times and sometimes go back to one or another if I feel the need to escape to Narnia.  Maybe it’s his ‘style of writing’ that so puts you there.

I won’t review each title individually here but I will say that if you read the first and like it you will want to read the remaining books.

Some of you may think reading these would be childish but in all reality I would rather live with that ‘childlike’ vibration the remainder of my life rather than a lowly vibration some horror story may bring me.

All the best healers and wise men and women will tell you that the secret in life is to remain childlike, to remain in awe.

The Chronicles of Narnia will help you do just that and you can get the boxed set for your Kindle which is a total of seven books plus a bonus book.  Click here to get them all for under $50!

I once thought of advertising my Kindle and some of the books I read but my life veered in another direction.   As Thoreau once said ‘go back to the old’ whether it be clothes or friends or ideas.  I’m doing this a lot lately especially going back to those mentors who awakened me like Guy Finley and Lester Levenson did.

I’ll never forget riding the mowing tractor at the river house listening to Guy’s cassette tape  as he spoke of ‘rocking the boat’ and going and doing that which you are afraid of doing or think you can’t.

Now, it seems I can’t help but share my love of reading and so I devote this page to the Kindle.  I like to think of books as a ‘support system’ and that includes the paperbacks as I will continue reading them ‘in paper’ especially since some of my favorite authors don’t have all their books on Kindle (yet).

And, of course, the notion of reading a book on the beach or by the fire, indulging in a fantasy or mystery or romance, is quite a romantic and sentimental experience for me whether it reads on paper or on a digital device like the Kindle.

My Kindle opened up other possibilities and the one I would most like to share with you is the one of my cat.  She is now twenty years old!  She is a wise female feline and understands exactly what we tell her.  I have witnesses.  You suggest something one minute and she is doing it the next or even the next day.  I wonder sometimes why and who she really came into this realm to be.

Anyways, we have laid around and read together for several years now.  She starts by climbing up on my chest and laying there for awhile.  She likes being ‘in my face’ so I can rub her ears and scratch her head.

And guess what?  I can do this with one hand for as long as she’d like while my other hand holds my kindle enabling me to read my book.  It is so light that I can hold it for quite a long time ( I can’t do this with the Fire).  If my hand gets tired I switch hands and my cat still gets all the loving she requires with the other hand.

Many of you may think this is silly but we have passed many joyous relaxing hours this way.  And by the way I also read what I like to think of as not educational really but self-growth books and oh the historical romances set in the Highlands of Scotland.  So while I am relaxing with my cat I learn how to heal with energy and I read Paracelsus and the philosophy side of alchemy as well.

On the other hand when she does decide it’s time to ‘move’ as cats do in their own time, she then lays next to me so I’ll sometimes break out my Fire and prop it up on my chest or on the pillow next to me and catch up on email, watch a movie or do the research I love.

It’s absolutely incredible the freedom these devices allow us these days.

If I’m not resonating with one book or perhaps I’m guided to another book I don’t have to get up – I switch to the other one – again all with one hand.

And when I take a vacation all the books are, there, in one place.  What if you bought a book or two for vacation and you hated them both?  I still enjoy reading a paperback on the plane but that is just the romantic in me.

Another reason I love my Kindle E-Reader is that I can take it outdoors and when the bugs and heat aren’t so fierce here in Florida I love nothing more than sitting under one of my live oak trees, namely Besca, to read.  Glare is not an issue with the Kindle.

There is something to be said about reading a book on energy healing in the outdoors – besides reading about quantum energy, what better place to read a fantasy or time travel book, when it is too beautiful to sit indoors, then under the large canopy of an oak tree with the birds singing above you and there you are spread out on your blanket marveling in your presence with Kindle book in hand.

Am I trying to sell you a Kindle?  Possibly, but I’m more like trying to sell you the results you will see when you buy one and place your books on it.  The Kindle Paperweight is the one I’d probably get if I didn’t have one already or if I decide to upgrade.

If you feel like delving into new subjects you don’t have to go to the public library or even your own bookshelf – just switch to your book list and now you can just that easily learn about how best to organize your closets or how to engineer just about anything or read about who lives on Narnia.

Reading is so important for our growth – I know that if I were a parent of young children I would buy this Kindle over the Fire so my children would actually read books, even if it is by means of a digital device since this is what they are accustomed to anyway in this age.

There are now four models of the Kindle E-reader.  One Kindle even has parental controls.  Two of the models are now touchscreen.  Mine is the old-fashioned Kindle Paperweight but I adore the size, the weight, the resolution and the simplicity. I do wish it had a built-in light like the new ones.

When I turn it on, it is like stepping into my own broad virtual library where I get to pick and choose which book I want to read today or finish the story Ansley and I were reading last night.


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