Super Motivation

by cristina on September 24, 2023

Sometimes you come across a winning product that speaks to everyone. Something like that, even an introvert like me feels the need to shout from the rooftops. I’ve purchased other similar recordings and adored them. When I saw there were others, I bought two more subliminal recordings. These aren’t the old-school type where you never know what is being said. I bought one for motivation and one for stopping worrying. They are in my music library now with self-confidence, stress relief and wealth.  The stress relief recording will relax your shoulders right away (watch them drop).

Listening to them on the repeat function results in coming to terms with what is being said. This drives the affirmations home and like magic, you’re motivated, self-confident, and less stressed.

My motivation is incredible, and like the self-confidence subliminal, I felt on top of the world and that I could do anything with great success.

After listening to the motivation on repeat several times I did many things. My found motivation led me toward another artist whose message I loved. The more motivated I became the more I wanted to experience and do. This recording can help you move forward in any direction. It has the potential of making you unstoppable.

I haven’t written anything in, I hate to admit it, almost 3 years other than for work. Work doesn’t count because my director says everyone knows I can’t write (everyone in the world?).  What a great feeling to be writing again. More proof this method can work for you. I wrote this short article while listening to this recording on repeat.  I wrote it in less than 30 minutes with a few edits.  I’ve had the task ‘write a new post’ on my to-do list for close to 3 years and by listening to Super Motivation I can cross this task off the list.

But at the same time, I couldn’t sit still, more motivation kept springing up.  On the same day I rearranged my big family room and my work desk, and the new look is awesome. These recordings help bring out so many good things.  If we are less stressed, more confident, not worrying and motivated, nothing can stand in the way of our genuineness.

The initial suggestion is not to look at the affirmations listed on the website. So many of us do tend to grow the seed once it’s planted but we want to grow it a better way this time with no previous bias. Let’s be open and not allow our filters to bind us and blind us to possibilities. Later, there’s nothing wrong with reading the affirmations spoken while you were listening.

If you’re not into the subliminal aspect because of the antiquated stigma, do yourself a favor. Listen to the ‘Xpherience’ or the ‘Golden Flow and Sequence’ recordings. Once you acknowledge the depth of these tones you can become one with this masterpiece. When things slow down then life is not taken for granted. You allow yourself to be yourself and notice all the grand details surrounding you. It is when the miracle of you flows in and out of you allowing for all the possibilities to come through.

Listen to some of the demos and if you don’t find anything that appeals to you come back later and take another look. When you do come across one that appeals to you then the time is right for listening. This is when you buy and listen and be amazed at how fast you start accomplishing your goals and begin viewing things from a greater self-perspective.

Update, the following are not subliminal recordings but deserve your attention:

There is also a bonus recording when you order the SuperPack,  it’s called ‘Wonderful Life’ and it is perfect to listen to when you are short on time.  I listen to it every morning when I get to work to start the day feeling right and in control, grounded.

The sounds Marcus has created are beautiful and bountiful.

Xphirience 2 – New Product try now for Optimal Energy flow and clearing out energy blockages and imbalances.

Update:  BUY Super Pack 3.0 and also receive a the album ‘Enchanted Forest’.


Homeopathy – it’s that important

by cristina on October 17, 2020

Homeopathy – IT’S THAT IMPORTANT – to talk about, to write about, to get the word out in any which way today.

Whether pandemic or no pandemic, natural disaster, or perfect days – illnesses can come any time of the day or night – will you be ready?

What if there were no emergency rooms and what if your healthcare was dictated by another person(s) – government perhaps?

Where other complimentary medicines have failed you (essential oils and supplements – unless you were doing therapeutic oils by clinical means or adhering to phytochemicals as in eating whole fruits and vegetables – yes that means the avocado and apple seeds too! Then you owe it to yourself to try homeopathy.

Homeopathy used to be a popular therapy until the educators changed everything to fill their pockets.  Specifically, for all acute situations it can’t be beat.  It’s a mainstay for those who know and use these remedies.

Think of homeopathy as quantum medicine.


“The content you are reading here is solely for informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical advice or as a treatment or cure for any disease or health condition and it should not be construed as such. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any dietary changes or any other changes to your prescription drug use or any exercise activities. This content is provided as is and the reader assumes all risks from the use, non-use or misuse of this information.

A woman by the name of Joette teaches us to teach others and our children even the value of learning the different remedies.  Learn it for free like I did.  She talks about the Banerji’s and the time she spent with them.  If you are like me and like to learn about anything that can make you feel better and in less pain at times then you will absorb her homeopathic information like a sponge, it’s that good.  Here’s the link to her blog where you can get free information:  Joette Calabrese’s blog.

I also found a place where you can find all the different brands of these little pills regardless of the brand.   Use the discount code ‘important’ and get 5% off!

And there’s always Amazon in a pinch – I can’t ever run out of Arnica but if it’s close I’ll order from prime and get it right away since a lot of the health food stores don’t carry dilutions above 30c.

And there’s also the Banerji Protocol remedies – this is the protocol that you will read about on Joette’s blog.  It’s about taking a combination of remedies together and more often, different than classical homeopathy.

If you take her course you get special privilege to order at a nice discount from a place in TX but if you don’t order you can still get the Banerji remedies and single remedies and more at Homeopathic Remedies Online.

I plan on updating this post with many of my own stories.  I might even show a picture of all the remedies I’ve acquired over time.  I love that they are inexpensive and that they work for all conditions.  It is a wonderful science and should be taken very seriously especially today and in the future.






Healing Frequencies Help with Personal Development

by cristina on February 25, 2018

Healing frequencies can help in all aspects of a personal development path – no matter which path is chosen.  It doesn’t take long to listen to a few songs every day especially if they bring more harmony and raise your tolerance in life.  Wholetones music lifts you up.

When self-help books were just not enough for me and when even listening to some of the best motivational speakers weren’t enough I turned to music and meditation but a different kind of meditation – one that is real easy to do, literally taking no effort at all except for the listening part.

I even wrote about this elation and then emptiness I sometimes felt after reading a self-help book.  A few excerpts:

Self-help books can be likened to a pill or a vitamin.

We ingest the words and hope by the end of the book we will have been cured or partially healed.

There is a flaw in not the books themselves but in the reading of self-help books and even though I am a fan – if we can’t resonate with the recorded material at the point in time that we are reading it – if we don’t feel like opening our minds at this juncture in our lives than that book is not going to reach us.

author’s note:  even if it has all the answers we seek we just may not be ready for them yet

Remember it is that resistance you harbor that made you want to begin reading a certain book in the first place – so be aware of that and finish the book.

One day we set the books aside realizing that basically they all say the same thing and they only make us feel good for a few days.  Granted, there are a lot of profound statements sprinkled throughout many books but when we begin to ask ourselves after turning the last page ‘now what?’, we come to understand there must be more.

My point here is you can read all of the wisdom in the written words of our ages or you can become wiser in an instant.

How?  Listen to some music – it’s that simple.

It is as Rumi so eloquently states – “Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment”.

This is where it gets interesting and this is what brought me to meditation and what I like to call sound healing.   What is sound healing?  It literally means listening to sounds, different – more advanced frequencies that somehow were ‘lost’ to us for some time.  Michael Tyrell uses the 6 solfeggio frequencies in his 7 Healing Songs  music recordings and Marcus Knudsen creates bliss-coded sounds that are based on the golden ratio.

But sound healing can also mean well-founded, reasonable and sensible and so when the books aren’t making the grade for you turn to some sound healing (pun intended).

  • Clear the debris in your mind so those self-help books can make a bigger impact
  • Find more balance in your life, better yet – more harmony and joy
  • Experience what it feels like to be happy for no apparent reason
  • De-stressing becomes a reality again
  • Looking and feeling younger is a possibility again

Sound healing can bring such fast results and don’t overlook brainwave entrainment recordings either – they can have you meditating as they say ‘like a monk’ in 2 weeks rather than the 20 years some people have claimed it took them to a reach a peaceful state of expanded awareness.  You can read about brainwave entrainment on my page.

Results from these healing frequencies and brainwave entrainment recordings can happen fast so get ready for some quick results in your personal development plan.  Don’t look backwards – leave the past where it belongs – back there.   And above all have fun and share this new ‘sound’ information with those you love.


Going inside: Sitting in your awareness

by cristina on December 4, 2017

Sitting in your awareness, in all that is, in all this space and

using that awareness to bring in what you’d like to see, have

and hold – that is the secret.


How fast you bring this in (manifest) all depends on the

strength of your awareness.  But this cannot be forced, it can

only be allowed.  And when you allow it to come it is

automatically received.


The pictures now are not just postcards they are real in your

mind.  You create the space for them and become one with

them – you go inside of them – you go in that awareness and

become that energy.




by cristina on November 21, 2015

Do you really know what you want?

Rifling through some old writings I found this one on ‘attainment’ written in 2008. What I find almost comical is how some things never go out of style. So I return back seven years ago and polish these old words up a bit and let the light gleam through.

When we return back to old friends, clothes, books, etc. and view them in a different dimension they are branded new again as if we’ve plugged them into the cosmos and restored their life energy.

We all know, as it is practically a washed up subject, that just by saying we want something means we lack it so the best manifestation principle to follow is to believe we already have it whether we are experiencing it or not at the moment. Have it and give thanks that you’ve received it or simply give thanks knowing it is on the way to you. I believe that was worth saying one more time but I will never use the ‘m’ word again. Keep in mind to not give away all of your power, meaning do not force the issue.

So what do we want? When asking for something the universe doesn’t recognize the difference between a ranch house or a beach house, an exotic vacation from a camping trip in the middle of the forest. It is challenging to be so specific but important, I cannot stress that enough.

We turn the pictures and images over in our minds and some feel right and some we discard until we get the perfect right life story we wish to create. Fantastic, now you know what you want but now you have limited yourself to just this one version. What if it could have been 10 times greater?

Most of us really don’t know what we want besides the nice car, home and lots of money in the bank. Why, because we never thought about it due to our belief system: that it is out of reach and not realistic but whose reality are we speaking of?

With this kind of belief system passed down the generations it is no wonder many of us die without hardly ever having really lived for ourselves rather we have lived for someone else or lived half-heartedly, half in fear.

In reading some more ‘happy book’ it talks about sponsoring thought which relates to our belief system for example the belief that you are hungry is a sponsoring thought and the thought that you should probably eat something is the sponsored thought(sponsored by your belief).

Now think about wealth or health: your sponsoring belief especially if told/taught/shown by example by your elders that you were never meant to be wealthy, that it’s only for certain others, that’s your sponsoring thought and so the sponsored thought says I am not wealthy (this thought was sponsored by your belief or sponsoring thought). This makes sense and it’s obvious that we must look at our belief system(s)to see what it is we believe and if those beliefs are hurting us without us even knowing it.

We are so used to living the life we do and we constantly speak of the things we want or we will do when the time is right or when we have the money, but this is not the way to go about it. We must continually be in communication with our hearts and what this part of us longs for. If you don’t know how to do that then you must ask your spirit for direction.

For you see, the problem lies not with not having the means or the time or the knowledge, the problem usually lies with not really knowing who we are, not remembering why and not attaining what our heart compels us to do. Wanting anything less will never make us happy.

Visualizing our life as our heart requests, smiling and believing whole-heartedly it will BY LAW bring it forth. And do not be forever changing your mind but keep your mind out of the equation.

We must understand that the wrong set of beliefs could very well be undermining our potential (and the right set could also be limiting). That this belief system very well conflicts with what your heart knows to be true or desires and so can cause a lot of discomfort and suffering. Why else would we continue seeking out happiness?

If I think back now everything I ever needed as a child I had, maybe not everything I wanted though. Our family’s beliefs taught me that I would always pretty much probably have what I would need but I’d probably never be wealthy according to the definition that I had learned and so I carried that belief system everywhere and I learned some skills and I made enough to fulfill that belief.

Then I started realizing that those that have what they need plus some are no better than me, they just have a different belief system, a different mindset.  They are in tune to a different energy frequency is all.

I have grown tremendously since this article was originally written and now I almost ashamed of myself for taking a lot of that growth for granted. Imagine.

And my pitiful ego says how funny that finally now that you are aware of your heart’s desire you are not in the position to attain it.

How absurd. I have always been in a position to attain anything especially in this moment as well as in the future.

Don’t ever believe you are not in the right time or place or position. We’ve never been more energetically aligned to the frequency of attainment than right now. Say it is so and it is.

Return back to those thoughts that calm, nourish and warm your heart.

It’s like Thoreau so eloquently put it:

“However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man’s abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.

Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old; return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation.

Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights. The shadows of poverty and meanness gather around us, “and lo! creation widens to our view.

Moreover, if you are restricted in your range by poverty, if you cannot buy books and newspapers, for instance, you are but confined to the most significant and vital experiences; you are compelled to deal with the material which yields the most sugar and the most starch. It is life near the bone where it is sweetest. You are defended from being a trifler. No man loses ever on a lower level by magnanimity on a higher. Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul.”


You Wealth Revolution and Mas Sajady

by cristina on May 24, 2015

Where do I begin?  I first heard Mas online in November of 2012 in an online gathering of like-minded individuals basically trying to ‘raise their vibration’.  It is aptly named ‘You Wealth Revolution‘ for it is indeed a revolution of spirit space converging and transforming into sacredness.

Mas is one of my favorite speakers That You Wealth has brought forward and I have listened to him many times.  He is sensational and humble and his voice – alluring and soothing and almost two years later he is even more humble and his voice soothing as ever.  Listening to him, I strongly felt ‘something’ – if my body swaying and relaxing was any indication.  I immediately resonated with him and noticed he sounded like me (certain tones/word usage?) – we are similar in age but not from the same part of the country.  And the fact that he was/is a computer programmer which I myself am/was.

Anyways, the rest is history and I am not the same person now as when I first heard him – I am better.  I am braver and a stronger, more solid person and I don’t mean that in an arrogant way but I dislike the word ‘transformed’ , it reminds me of a machine and doesn’t sit well with me.  Just yesterday I completed his Mastery class, though it was fun to say graduated  – a total of six one-hour classes.  Amazing.  The next to the last class was my favorite so far – I have already replayed all the classes but the ‘Nourishing Environment’ recording I have fallen in love with.  Even though we weren’t supposed to have homework he tasked us with an ‘expansion’ lesson and had us imagine what plants, trees, etc. we would want in our landscaping surrounding our ‘foundation’, our new blueprint – I felt honored to make a list for I am a nature writer by heart.

He told us to think of a money tree, as an example, one that actually grew money (and fell off the tree) and the fruit ripe year round for the taking.  So, “oh, yeah”, my ‘LOT’ now has things like a tree of life bearing ‘simples’  – small herbal energy pills with just the right frequency to heal any ailment great or small.  There were abundant flowers with tiny essence dispensers and juicing trees – break off any branch and suck the nutritious nectar right out of it and the branch will grow back instantly.  A willow tree that could reach out and hug you and a talking bush for companionship and guidance and tickle rocks, of course, touch them and they giggle and you both break out in laughter.

I would have never been introduced to Mas nor John Newton and many of the others if it weren’t for Darius’s new transformation platform ‘You Wealth Revolution’. Would I recommend visiting?  Every minute of the day!  Listen to the sessions and watch how your life changes for the better day by day.

The You Wealth Revolution and Mas Sajady helped to set me back on my chosen path by learning how to connect to pure source and be naturally guided.   Trust me, if  you do this –‘ it’ will happen for you whatever that ‘it’ is and, of course, listening to the brilliant speakers on You Wealth while doing this will light a fire under you to get ‘it’ done.

The Medi-healings Mas provides monthly (keeps you in daily touch with Mas’s frequency – at least in the beginning this is important), the Pain Lipo sessions and Frequency spas are pretty perfect but the Mastery classes were special and dear to my heart and raised my vibration much higher than I had ever thought it would or could go.  Having some ‘alone’ time with Mas and just four other people has already changed my life forever.  Funny how I just now noticed that no one, no one I personally know, even knows I took those classes – now when I wish to shout it out but it doesn’t matter – the effect is there – people have noticed changes in me – I can sense it and even when they don’t say anything they look and react differently around me – all in a good way.

I have had some one-on-one’s with him remotely (just as effective) and they were beyond words and the subtleties good good.  I asked him to work on my mother this year after her stroke and her recovery has been nothing short of a miracle – there is no doubt he played a huge role in this and, of course, he worked on me at the same time.  I love when you can feel the energy – it’s like the proof we need to believe in it and know it’s real.  He split us into two persons so I wouldn’t be effected by whatever happens to her anymore and believe me at the time I was very consumed by the situation.  During the session I literally felt ‘something’ slide off of my left side and I was left with stillness and myself.

Mas is akin to an oracle!

As Mas always says – “If you change your frequency you will change your life” and I can attest that to be a true statement.  Bottom line – you need to ‘Connect to Source’ and Mas and many other of the speakers hosted on ‘You Wealth’ help you get there way faster.

Register now and get your…

NEW 888 Hz ‘Quantum Miracle Accelerator™’ Gift + ‘Energy of Miracles™’ LIVE Event Access — FREE


Abundance Course – Release Technique

by cristina on September 29, 2014

About eight years ago I took the Abundance Course  on releasing.  What is releasing?  Find out here:  The Release Technique.

At that time it was made up of cassette tapes and a hard copy workbook.  I released on everything, felt like a million bucks and didn’t feel weighed down or overburdened anymore.  I loved, loved Lester Levenson’s speeches and recordings and listened to them over and over.  I especially loved when he was to be the surprise guest at some conference and he didn’t know that he was the surprise!  Then he said he wasn’t sure what he could talk about – ‘you, me, but then what was the difference?’  What a wise and beautiful man he was!

I quit releasing as time went by and about a year ago i decided to de-clutter my library and I sent the cassette tapes off to the thrift store in hopes that someone else could use them.

Of course, shortly after that I stumbled upon the abundance course again and was angry for giving it away.  I actually called some of the stores in the area to see if they still had it on their shelves but I knew it was a lost cause.

It was worth that much to me that I decided to purchase the course again especially since right after the first time of listening to the samples on the website I found relief from all the turmoil I was experiencing in my life.  I felt lighter and happy again.  And in the last eight years since I had last went through the course I had accumulated a lot of ‘junk’.

What I did first before deciding to buy was listen to all the samples. I even received a CD sample in the mail.  I listened to that sample several times in one day and I felt so so good that it carried over into the next morning and I found myself singing while getting ready for work.

And listening to Lester Levenson again has brought me joy and a feeling of comfort and security – everything he says just makes sense to me. There are many videos with his recordings online including the speech he gave I mentioned above.

Even another man I admire tremendously has said to go back to the old when things don’t seem to be working whether it be old friends or old clothes – don’t go out and purchase new ones.  I often find myself going back to the old – to those things that offered me comfort – to those things that helped me get back on the path I needed to be on and one of those old things was the Abundance Course.  So I took Thoreau’s advice and went back to that old course again.

I love their three concepts of how everything we want (or lack) in life can be related to either wanting to be in control, wanting approval or wanting to be safe and secure and sometimes it’s a matter of wanting all three, for me anyway.

Take a second and think about what I just said about how everything we want is either related to wanting approval, control or wanting to be safe.  It’s so true.

The course is all about releasing – about seeing every one of your emotions as pure and simple energy – not good or bad but just energy, particularly the ones that cause you the most pain.  This technique brings them up and out of your feeling centers.

Sure, you can do this alone if you are disciplined enough to do it but if you are like me I found it very beneficial to have a guide walk me through the logistics – the proven methods that Lester taught Larry.  In this way my mind and especially my ego won’t get in the way and tell me that it’s silly to do the exercises.

How can holding on to negative emotions and even aversions to having good health and money be silly?  Believe me when I say your mind or rather your beliefs probably always have a tendency to crop in there when you are trying to do something different – they don’t want you to change – they like status quo for the sake of keeping you secure.

It’s easy for anyone to say ‘just change your thoughts from negative to positive’.  The problem with that is you never let go of the negative thoughts that are already stored in your body causing you harm – suppressing them further is not the solution.

So I’m back to releasing and with the Abundance Course that’s offered today there are weekly conference calls on how to better your practice.  There are counselors to help you improve your releasing skills and you can call them anytime during business hours.  I never had these options before when I first bought the course.

But, please, don’t think of it as a course where there’s homework and it’s hard – think of it as a course where the more time you spend releasing the less homework there is in your life and I’m speaking here of homework as in problems that you feel you have to carry around with you until you resolve them – you know – baggage.

This is as easy as showing up – yes, you have to show up but whether you realize it or not you have been showing up your entire life anyway whether in the good times or in the bad – you may not remember, but you were always there.

So show up and release and let go of some of that baggage.  Wouldn’t it be a welcome change to feel lighter and not weighed down by all those conflicts and emotions we tend to pile on daily and carry around with us?

Choose to see them all as just energy and just release them – this isn’t something difficult and you can learn to be in release all day once you learn how.

Lift your spirit a bit higher today and start experiencing miraculous abundance in your life – try a sample for free today.