About: “It takes willpower to be in nature’s energy”

CALL ME A PANSY for wanting to increase the volume of printed jargon on this most personal subject, ‘the greater self’. Greater as not in ego please. What does self improvement or spiritual awareness mean to us? Why do some of us never tire of searching for it? It must be priceless to be so difficult to attain. When we improve and are more aware will it be enough to carry us through the year or until tomorrow? The words ‘self help’ imply we assume a responsibility to help our ‘self’. If we improve one aspect of our self will the rest follow? One day we discover that all the books read the same and that we already know what to do to help ourselves. When the words run dry will we have finally eliminated the resistance blocking our trail?

How brilliant the pages would read with color to enhance our imagination. Fiction paints it well with a stroke of a pen. Stories take us to flower-strewn hillsides and atolls promising paradise. They can draw a scene as vivid as if the artist painted it on a canvas right before you. I am disappointed to find so little ‘scenery’ in self-help books. Unless, of course, when I am required to visualize my favorite meadow. Could a napping rabbit, stretched out comfortably under the hibiscus, draw us closer to that which we are so desperate to learn about ourselves?

The self-help arena is enormous, inspiring and beneficial but by all means, in your journey to discovery, let it be your circus. Play in it. Dig in it. Engage your thoughts in the possibilities. Turn them into energy and create a little magic. Observe and watch it grow. Persist in patience and faith. Old thorns cost dearly.

The heirloom rosebush in my father’s yard calls out whenever I visit. I drift towards it and ride its invisible wave of beckoning energy. The thick fragrance that I steal out of the air around it is the epitome of what true pink smells and tastes like. The beetle bugs sprawled all over it are drunk from the purity of the essence. Their mouths salivated for weeks waiting for these fair blossoms to stir and wake. When we first taste our own life essence and awaken to our inherent gifts we also begin to salivate. All paths leading to the greater self can trickle up from this earth whenever called upon. It is delirium at times to drink from this fountain of purity.

The greater self is about living through the heart on behalf of the spirit. We are most animated when we live on this vibratory plane. This animation, the spirit, is the essence of our soul. Recognize your sustenance and endorse nature’s intelligence.

Enter into a self-proposal. Dream, awake and fulfill the dream. The heart is relentless in demonstrating the benefits of its product (love) and of its service (inspiration). It proves credible no matter if we muddy the water. It stands firm in truth. Its persistence supersedes the force of the ego and the shame of fear.

Behold the marigold. Each miniature scroll in its bud resembles a folded lily the color of a golden crimson sunset. The volumes bound together in a fleshy wrapper hide ancient secrets. The scrolls bound within us speak volumes. When our fear subsides and we are ready they reveal that which we are.

The purslane with her bulging pocketbooks explodes with gratitude at the end of the season and sows many seeds. I smile of my own inherent abundance at about the same time the zinnias begin to laugh.