Quoted from one of Henry David Thoreau’s works – ‘Walking’:

I WISH TO SPEAK a word for nature, for absolute Freedom and Wildness, as contrasted with a freedom and Culture merely civil, — to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society. I wish to make an extreme statement, if so I may make a emphatic one, for there are enough champions of civilization; the minister, and the school-committee, and every one of you will take care of that.


My thoughts to follow………………..


No Man Is An Island

by cristina on September 2, 2013

Seventeenth century English author John Donne quoted:

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

No man is an island …….               2012-01-21_09-09-53_578

And rightly so even if one thinks he or she is it cannot be.

The connection between us is too great and irregardless we all occupy the same space.

We like to think we can live apart from each other and we like to think we do it successfully at times….then, a cry is sent out and whether we recognize it consciously or not we hear it and are called to see another or others – we tap back in to the grid.

Actually we are always tapped in even if sometimes we only hang by a mere thread on the outskirts of the grid.

Seen from above, there are clusters of energy when we gather to pray or protest, heal or war.  The clusters intensify during tragedies when folks not of common ground band together in hopes of salvation for the sake of all in the group.

When our ship is sinking we cling to each other regardless of race or financial status.

In a crisis is when each is equal and people look at each other square in the eyes – sending compassion towards one another.

It is like the fire ants and I wonder if they, too, fill with empathy and hang on to one another for survival.

These ants can turn themselves into life rafts, even surviving flash floods in the rain forests.

They don’t leave anything behind when they climb up onto their own bodily rafts bringing all the eggs and their young with them.

The ants use their claws and their jaws to grip onto one another.  The hairs on their bodies allow them to trap air bubbles and when they all band together the individual bubbles become one protective air pocket.  This protective layer of air keeps them from sinking to the bottom and drowning.

We can look to the ants who demonstrate ‘no man is an island’ so well.  Whether working, playing or surviving tragedy they are there for one another in body and in spirit.


Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence

by cristina on August 4, 2013

The foreword piece of ‘Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence‘ was written by Michael and edited by Cristina.

What does it mean to be brave?  Bravery comes in many faces but all in all bravery is endearing and virtuous.  As one reviewer noted ‘this book takes you on a journey through yourself’.  There is no braver task than this.

Many fear death but many more fear life, living.  At times, it seems, we can only not fear that which is familiar to us – even if it disgusts us for tolerating it.

When we hear of remedies and solutions to our life problems, be them emotional or physical, some will try known remedies, though appearing obscure or too simple, and others will resist and look the other way – giving in to stubbornness or perhaps they are just not ready to heal any part of themselves.

We read phrases and sentences in books and do not like what we read and close the book so the words we are afraid and reluctant to hear don’t seep into our soul and change us into a truer sense of ourselves.

Do we fear the light after being in the dark for so long, groping?

Shattered Duality describes a significant transformation in one woman’s life and how she discovered a multitude of inherent gifts all in fashionable synchronicity.  She righted many wrongs and crushed escalating doubts.

As a light being from a distance as far away as Neptune, she arrived here, on Earth, at the most glorious time for experiencing humanness.  After acquiring a cherished childhood with few traumas, she stumbled over a mass of hurdles but now finds she is a much broader force – she has started remembering where she came from.

As she demolishes one belief after another, enduring and persisting anyway, another would seemingly attack.  Not realizing her own strength she continued to own the duality and shatter it only a little at a time rather than with full force.

In between those ‘heavy times’, she found solace in the wind and the sun, the rain and the energy beneath her feet.  She found peace in the faces of the flowers and she found company and love under the canopies of trees.

She is ever waning back and forth and it is hard to catch up to her but she knows – she remembers and knows that in her midst there is ‘something’ she cannot see but she knows it is there in front of her, around her and she is a part of it.

She cannot hear or smell it but has claimed to be able to scoop it up as if it were tangible.

This book has transformed her and those that surround her in that her capacity for loving and allowing is boundless.

When you feel an urge to wear the ‘suit of bravery’, take the action of reaching for this book of shameless will and compassion.

Its writing soulfully sings with purpose.  The energy stored within its pages is high and wild but grounding having been infused under the sunlight of the heavens as it was being written.

It is for the faint of heart and for those who already face turmoil and heartache – head on – everyday.

You need not read it with an open mind because it will probe gently allowing your mind to naturally let go and open freely.  When you get inside and all the flowers begin blooming as grace opens its door, your life will flow within its own unique current and all probabilities offered you become readily available to act upon.

Look past the obvious and believe in something – why not believe or simply, just trust, in you, yourself?

Join your extraordinary mind with this frequency and wake to see what you can hear with your heart when given the opportunity.

What great universal need is buried deep in the fathoms of your soul – waiting on you to allow it to rise up?

Don’t let that greatness expire.


Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence


“In every human being, whether emperor or cowboy, prince or pauper, philosopher or slave, there is a mysterious something which he neither understands nor controls. It may lie dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten; it may be so repressed that the man supposes it is dead. But one night he is alone in the desert under the starry sky; one day he stands with bowed head and damp eyes beside an open grave; or there comes an hour when he clings with desperate instinct to the wet rail of a storm-tossed boat, and suddenly out of the forgotten depths of his being this mysterious something leaps forth. It over-reaches habit; it pushes aside reason, and with a voice that will not be denied it cries out its questionings and its prayer.”

– Bruce Barton, What Can a Man Believe?, 1927


Click here to read the reviews for this book


Golden Ratio in Music and Brainwave Entrainment

by cristina on August 3, 2013

Why is it at times when we start feeling good, really good, a subtle guilt settles in – or is that just me?

Have I been feeling that bad for so long that feeling poor is what is normal to me?  When we feel good why can’t or why shouldn’t we ride that wave for as long as that frequency holds us?

I was researching pineal activation that led me to a youtube video and in the first minute another video caught my eye.  I was naturally guided to it and listened and it was simply amazing.  Apparently about 7 million other viewers had also listened and probably some listened over and over again.

The musical recording is based on phi, the golden ratio, which is simply everywhere.  I’m not a scientist but I don’t believe that you have to be to know (because when you know you just know and you know you know) that there is a divine light that courses through us all, waiting to be exponentially tapped.

So, of course, I went to the site and bought some of the music, actually I went ahead and bought the superpack because I couldn’t get enough.

Find out here what the Golden Ratio and Superpack are.

Now, I’ve just started listening to these sounds and I haven’t been able to fully listen to even one because my cellphone battery keeps dying (ordered one and its due next week) but the amazing thing is I felt results from these recordings right away.  Results like I never had from brainwave entrainment which I’ve used for many years.
And by the way, these recordings do NOT USE any binaural beats or isochronic tones – I like that idea although Marcus now has binaural recordings since some have asked him to create those also.

The first thing I noticed after listening just once is that I was walking slower.  I also moved my hands slower and more deliberate. I also talked slower.  This was very peculiar to me since I am usually racing around doing everything as fast as I can because of my obsession with time.

Due to the battery issue I wanted to listen to several to get a taste and one in particular I resonated deeply with.  It was the Golden Wave.  After a few minutes of that I was moving my head back and forth slowly saying ‘oh, this feels so good’ loving how it was making me feel.

Just a week ago I lost my blessed girl, my twenty year old kitty, Ansley.  I miss her terribly, it hurts real bad.  I believe she led me to these divine sounds that this man has miraculously created.

I talked about something I dubbed the ‘blisswave’ in my recent book ‘Shattered Duality’ but that was while listening to delta tones and being in nature’s pure light, literally.  It felt like pure love, heavenly and I hadn’t felt that way in quite some time.

This first weekend home without her was tough.  I walked this morning and still cried a couple of times (apparently the hurt is deeper than I thought).  Keeping myself as busy as I could doing mundane things, doing things that make me happy, feeling guilty if I get too happy, telling myself it will pass and I will feel whole again.

Well, I think I found something that will take away a lot of that tension, a lot of that guilt and a lot of the sadness that I’ve been feeling.

Right now I’m listening to another one named Xphirience Bliss Rain and it has quieted my mind and stirring up the words that long to rise from my heart over the pain and grief I’ve been feeling.

I had to write about this because it’s what I do, I write.  This very brief experience so far with these recordings has been bliss and honestly I don’t know that I’ve ever experienced bliss that many times in my life because I tend to worry so damn much about everything.  My favorite healer, intuitive, Mas Sajady, told me as he was laughing sincerely that I had the greatest capacity for worrying that he had ever seen.  And though that could be bad it could also be grand if I used that ‘storage facility’, that capacity in a different way.

You see, worry can be a good thing.  Instead of worrying about your job, or money or whatever ails you or even if your book will ever be published is to worry about what you will do when it IS published and worry about what you write next or worry about what you would do with your new found healing capacity or your new lust for life.

It’s never a coincidence when we stumble upon something beneficial, endearing and rare today.  They are based on what is known as the Fibonacci sequence and that’s all I technically know about them and for me I don’t need any other information.  The experience they have brought me so far has been incredible on day one.   I can’t believe how much they’ve slowed me down and how blissful they have made me feel.  And that feeling didn’t end when I turned them off or rather when my battery died.  (I keep charging it and then listen awhile and then charge and so on).

I’ve been writing during this rain one with my eyes closed mostly and I am calm, cool and collected and very very clear.

I’m going to go enjoy the rest of this since I realize that an entire thirty minutes has just flown by (another thing that people are saying about this related to time, that you tend to forget about time, it goes away – which reminds me of Thoreau stating

“Having considered that in an imperfect work time is an ingredient, but into a perfect work time does not enter, he said to himself, It shall be perfect in all respects, though I should do nothing else in my life”) anyways, I will continue to keep you updated on my experiences with these new (new to me) recordings from Marcus Knudsen).  Get them here at Bliss Coded Sound.

I feel like I am getting a massage on my inside and maybe in truth it is my spirit that is giving it to me.  I find myself softly gently touching and stroking my face  with the backs of my hand and lightly brushing my legs as the wave takes its toll on me (a good toll).

Let it rain, let it rain!


My favorite of the nature bliss sounds (there are four of them) is the Paradise Forest.  Today while listening I could have sworn I felt the vibration from the buzzing of a flying insect pass by my face.  I started to reach out for it then realized it was part of the recording.  It is like being a part of 3D movie but with your eyes closed.

There is also a bonus recording when you order the SuperPack,  it’s called ‘Wonderful Life’ and it is perfect to listen to when you are short on time.  I listen to it every morning when I get to work to start the day feeling right and in control, grounded.

The sounds Marcus has created are beautiful and bountiful.

Xphirience 2 – New Product try now for Optimal Energy flow and clearing out energy blockages and imbalances.

Update:  BUY Super Pack 3.0 and also receive a the album ‘Enchanted Forest’.


The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

by cristina on July 7, 2013

I just added a new page full of inspirational quotes and forgot about the most inspirational poem I have ever been privileged to learn.  What I call the ‘knowing tears’ always fall as I stand in the center of the fire with Oriah.

It doesn’t interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me
how old you are.
I want to know
if you will risk
looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me
what planets are
squaring your moon…
I want to know
if you have touched
the centre of your own sorrow
if you have been opened
by life’s betrayals
or have become shriveled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know
if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know
if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us
to be careful
to be realistic
to remember the limitations
of being human.

It doesn’t interest me
if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear
the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know
if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn’t interest me
to know where you live
or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me
who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the centre of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me
where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know
what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know
if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like
the company you keep
in the empty moments.


I wrote this for their fiftieth wedding anniversary two years ago and feel compelled to share it with those who still believe the world revolves exclusively around love and faith.



There are commoners and then there are royalty.  I know of two such esteemed individuals.

Namely, a man; a Prince Joseph (because Joseph is greater than Bob) and his beloved Princess Maria Antonia.

They were not serendipitously brought together from two different continents of the world.  Rather, I would like to think that the natural flow of energy from their hearts found their way to each other.

His heart danced wildly across the wide blue ocean as her heart melodiously sang, calling his spirit home.

Encapsulated in electrifying air, time slowed; they spoke tenderly through their minds. Their right of passion translated into adoring thoughts making their daunting language whimsical.

They were joined in Holy Matrimony on July 1, 1961.

They have defined affection, fondness, friendship and devotion and are cherished for their affirmations.

Their heartfelt joy and laughter can be felt many miles away. They have triumphed well above all of their trials, heartaches, hardships and pain.  This endless labor has intensified their love for one another.

They remain to this day shamelessly in love.

It is now, July 1, 2011.  One half a golden century later, I am still blessed to witness their devotion.

A promise kept alive and warmed by the eternal flame buried deep in their hearts.  Should any person ever attempt to extinguish this light they would be burned by the intent alone.

I pray to God to forever hold them eternally in His grace.  Allow them, dear Lord, to lovingly ride earth’s angelic rainbows all the way to Your celestial palace.




My Free Kindle Book

by cristina on June 23, 2013

On June 24th through the 26th, Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence, will be available FREE of charge at the Kindle Store on Amazon.com.

The free promotion will only last those three days, so tell your friends and family to get a copy and enjoy the reading over the summer months.  If you read the ebook, I would greatly appreciate a review of it on Amazon.com.

Click on the book title here:  Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence