Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence

by cristina on August 4, 2013

The foreword piece of ‘Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence‘ was written by Michael and edited by Cristina.

What does it mean to be brave?  Bravery comes in many faces but all in all bravery is endearing and virtuous.  As one reviewer noted ‘this book takes you on a journey through yourself’.  There is no braver task than this.

Many fear death but many more fear life, living.  At times, it seems, we can only not fear that which is familiar to us – even if it disgusts us for tolerating it.

When we hear of remedies and solutions to our life problems, be them emotional or physical, some will try known remedies, though appearing obscure or too simple, and others will resist and look the other way – giving in to stubbornness or perhaps they are just not ready to heal any part of themselves.

We read phrases and sentences in books and do not like what we read and close the book so the words we are afraid and reluctant to hear don’t seep into our soul and change us into a truer sense of ourselves.

Do we fear the light after being in the dark for so long, groping?

Shattered Duality describes a significant transformation in one woman’s life and how she discovered a multitude of inherent gifts all in fashionable synchronicity.  She righted many wrongs and crushed escalating doubts.

As a light being from a distance as far away as Neptune, she arrived here, on Earth, at the most glorious time for experiencing humanness.  After acquiring a cherished childhood with few traumas, she stumbled over a mass of hurdles but now finds she is a much broader force – she has started remembering where she came from.

As she demolishes one belief after another, enduring and persisting anyway, another would seemingly attack.  Not realizing her own strength she continued to own the duality and shatter it only a little at a time rather than with full force.

In between those ‘heavy times’, she found solace in the wind and the sun, the rain and the energy beneath her feet.  She found peace in the faces of the flowers and she found company and love under the canopies of trees.

She is ever waning back and forth and it is hard to catch up to her but she knows – she remembers and knows that in her midst there is ‘something’ she cannot see but she knows it is there in front of her, around her and she is a part of it.

She cannot hear or smell it but has claimed to be able to scoop it up as if it were tangible.

This book has transformed her and those that surround her in that her capacity for loving and allowing is boundless.

When you feel an urge to wear the ‘suit of bravery’, take the action of reaching for this book of shameless will and compassion.

Its writing soulfully sings with purpose.  The energy stored within its pages is high and wild but grounding having been infused under the sunlight of the heavens as it was being written.

It is for the faint of heart and for those who already face turmoil and heartache – head on – everyday.

You need not read it with an open mind because it will probe gently allowing your mind to naturally let go and open freely.  When you get inside and all the flowers begin blooming as grace opens its door, your life will flow within its own unique current and all probabilities offered you become readily available to act upon.

Look past the obvious and believe in something – why not believe or simply, just trust, in you, yourself?

Join your extraordinary mind with this frequency and wake to see what you can hear with your heart when given the opportunity.

What great universal need is buried deep in the fathoms of your soul – waiting on you to allow it to rise up?

Don’t let that greatness expire.


Shattered Duality – I am an Alien:  Self Help Inspiration from Nature Intelligence


“In every human being, whether emperor or cowboy, prince or pauper, philosopher or slave, there is a mysterious something which he neither understands nor controls. It may lie dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten; it may be so repressed that the man supposes it is dead. But one night he is alone in the desert under the starry sky; one day he stands with bowed head and damp eyes beside an open grave; or there comes an hour when he clings with desperate instinct to the wet rail of a storm-tossed boat, and suddenly out of the forgotten depths of his being this mysterious something leaps forth. It over-reaches habit; it pushes aside reason, and with a voice that will not be denied it cries out its questionings and its prayer.”

– Bruce Barton, What Can a Man Believe?, 1927


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